Make Material Sense is a biodesign, machines, and circularity elective class tutored by Ana Lisa Alperovich at Design Academy Eindhoven. It has profoundly impacted my design student career and practice.
During this course, my continuous passion for learning about more numerous materials has also led me to gain a significant appreciation for sharing this knowledge. I am currently tutoring workshops in both Dutch and German institutions.
These are introductions to biomaterials (mainly biopolymers), post-industrial waste streams and urban mining. As well as contextualizing the designer’s role, from more technical aspects to manufacturing, to socioecological notions, and the role of new trends and aesthetics. Giving importance to materiality allows us to rethink the method and building methods from the ground up. I want to continue this path and consider it a significant addition to my design practice. I support and encourage others to re-thinking materiality with multidisciplinary approaches, a sense of collaboration, and knowledge sharing for a better collective future.

2019—Ongoing, Netherlands and Germany.